address: Jérome Foucher, 2 rue du moulin, 28800, France
This version is for OS 8.5 and above only. If you're using OS 8.0 or 8.1 you should use version 1.3.7 instead.
What does “Wapp pro” do?
"Wapp pro" is a window switcher. It displays a menu with every window opened in every application. You can now easily switch to any window (even in the hidden applications).
But that's not all : "Wapp pro" is more than a simple window switcher.
You can quit or hide an application with a single click (or with a single key press) without having to switch to it. You can also quit all the applications (except the ones you have chosen, like SpeedDoubler…) or hide them.
You can navigate trough the window list or through the application list with the keyboard.
You have three special ways of invoking the Wapp pro menu : click&hold in a window's title bar, click everywhere with modifiers keys, and click in hot spots...
• Mac OS 8.5 or better
• A PowerMac
Installing "Wapp pro"
To install Wapp pro, drag it over the active system folder then restart your Mac.
Bugs and comments
Send me bugs reports, comments or suggestions by e-mail or mail.
"Wapp pro" is $5 shareware because I spent many hours to develop it. It's cheap and has many features. So please, if you decide to keep "Wapp pro", support shareware and pay the shareware fee. It enables you to use any future version of Wapp pro and it helps me develop more cool stuff.
You have several choices to register :
• either you register online at for secure connection or for non-secure connection.
• either you use the Register application that comes with the archive to use Kagi processing.
• either you send me $5 cash to my postal address. But this will be longer to process your registration.
"Wapp pro" may be freely distributed via electronic bulletin boards, user groups and person to person. When distributed, all accompanying files are to be distributed too.
The latest version should be available on Info-Mac.
"Wapp pro" can be put on any other site or included on any CD-ROM, but please tell me if you do, so I can send updated versions when available.
Legal stuff
This software is provided "as is". Every effort has been made to ensure it will not cause any damage, but the author does not make any warranty. The author denies responsibility for any damage caused directly or indirectly by the software. Use it at your own risk. Some jurisdictions may not allow this limitation of the warranty, so it may not apply to you.
Version History
March, 1999: Version 1.5 for OS 8.5
• New features :
- This version is for 8.5 and above only.
- Code rewritten to take advantage of the Icon Services and of the Menu Manager 2.0.
- Supports 32-bits icons in Wapp pro menu.
- In the Finder, Wapp pro can now display the contents of the folders.
- Now Wapp pro includes a Click-There-It-Is-like feature in Navigation Services : In the Navigation Services, holding the command key will change the cursor into a pointing hand. Clicking in a visible Finder window will display the content of that window in the Navigation Service dialog.
- In the Navigation Services dialogs also, Wapp pro insert 2 menus where you can have easy access to the windows opened in the Finder, the favorite folders. All these menus display their content in submenus.
• Bugs fixed :
- The activation of the popup menu at the screen edges should work on multiple screens systems.
- Fixed some problems of popup menu activation with third-parties mouses.
- Fixed some System instabilities.
January, 1999: Version 1.3.7
When opening or closing a window in some applications you could hear a beep. Fixed.
Minor changes in the code.
January, 1999: Version 1.3.6
Under OS 8.5.1 immediate quit/hide didn't work properly causing unwanted quit/hide of applications after first use. Corrected.
December, 1998: Version 1.3.5
In popup menus, selecting an application could not work well. You had to select a window from that application to switch. Corrected.
The menus of Adobe Acrobat didn't work from version 1.3.3. Corrected.
Under OS 8.5, quit&hide shortcuts could not work properly. Fixed.
December, 1998: Version 1.3.4
The "Enter code" button now displays when Wapp pro is not registered.
Corrected a problem with the navigation services with the French version.
December, 1998: Version 1.3.3
• New features :
- Glidel (v3.9 minimum required) can now use Wapp pro menu to drag items
- key combination to momentarly toggle ordering mode
- the Navigation library is now not necessary to run the control panel. If it is present, Wapp pro will use it, but if not the standard open/save dialogs will be used.
• Bugs fixed :
- sometimes when displaying a dialog, the front application could quit. This has been fixed.
- when clicking on the menu bar just after startup, the Finder could have crashed. Fixed.
- Wapp pro menu/submenus could appear instead of a normal menu in some applications. Fixed
- The displaying of the clock could have stopped when the mouse was not moving. Fixed
- When the an application was requesting the user attention by flashing the application icon, Wapp pro menu was disturbed. Fixed
October, 1998: Version 1.3.2
Ok, v1.3.1 was really really BAD... and included more bugs than fixed... I apologize for everything...
This version should fix many problems.
October, 1998: Version 1.3.1
Speed Doubler can now be selected in the exclusion lists.
Hide, Hide others, Quit others are now disabled when the Finder is alone.
Correction of nasty bugs.
October, 1998: Version 1.3
Tried to organize the control panel.
Wapp pro menu can now be available only as a popup menu.
Add choices of behavior for Hide All and Quit All commands.
New instantaneous quit or hide by pressing q or h keys while the cursor is on a application item.
Added 3 hot spots for the popup menu.
Added 3 lists of excluded applications :
- one list of applications that won't quit when selecting Quit All command.
- one list of applications that keyboard switching will skip.
- one list of applications in which keyboard switching is disabled
Keyboard switching is disabled when an open/save dialog or a Navigation Service dialog is front.
When you choose the "embedded" feature, the popup menu is now a copy of the application menu.
Corrected a problem of vanishing menus in Emailer 2.0
Improved stability of popup menu.
Improved stability of keyboard switching.
September, 1998: Version 1.2.1
Corrected a problem with Word 6.0 windows.
Corrected a problem of vanishing tabbed-windows.
August, 1998: Version 1.2
The user can now choose not to use Wapp pro menu. Instead, windows appear in submenus of the application menu.
August, 1998: Version 1.1.6
Just modified the archive to include Kagi registration files.
August, 1998: Version 1.1.5
The user can now choose the shortcuts for keyboard switching.
August, 1998: Version 1.1.4
Now Wapp pro correctly handles BBEdit 4.5 HomePage 2.0 windows.
August, 1998: Version 1.1.3
Added an option to switch between windows with keyboard (cmd+up arrow and cmd+down arrow)
August, 1998: Version 1.1.2
Added options to show Wapp pro menu as a popup menu when clicking and holding in a window title bar or clicking with modifiers keys anywhere on the screen.
Now preferences and registration are saved in a pref file.
July, 1998: Version 1.1.1
Corrected a problem in the control panel when selecting modifier keys.
July, 1998: Version 1.1
Code completely rewritten.
New control panel.
Added "Hide", "Hide Others", "Hide All" options.
New method for selecting windows. It now works in every application.
Others minor changes.
May, 1998: Version 1.0.2
Added options to quit all applications except the Finder and the front one, or the Finder and a background one.
Now Wapp pro correctly handles Graphic Converter's windows.
Corrected a bug that could cause crashes when drawing the desktop at startup.
Improved overall stability.
Stopped development of a 68K version.
April, 1998: Version 1.0.1
Corrected a bug that prevented from seeing options in the control panel without Kaleidoscope.